Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta bustos. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta bustos. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, 17 de abril de 2022

Coventry - New Cathedral Church of Saint Michael - Escultura "Christ Crucified", de Helen Huntigton Jennings Norman


Coventry - New Cathedral Church of Saint Michael - Escultura "Portrait of Iris Beerbohm Tree", de Jacob Epstein


Coventry - New Cathedral Church of Saint Michael - Escultura "Bust of Paul Robeson", de Jacob Epstein


Coventry - New Cathedral Church of Saint Michael - Escultura "Morna Stuart", de Jacob Epstein


Coventry - New Cathedral Church of Saint Michael - Escultura "Six Portrait of Kathleen", de Jacob Epstein


Coventry - New Cathedral Church of Saint Michael - Escultura "Kitty II", de Jacob Epstein


Coventry - New Cathedral Church of Saint Michael - Escultura "First portraitof Esther with long hair", de Jacob Epstein


Coventry - New Cathedral Church of Saint Michael - Escultura "Busto de Ann Freud", de Jacob Epstein


sábado, 16 de abril de 2022

Coventry - busto de "Peeping Tom"


Birmingham - Escultura "Wattilisco", de Vincent Woropay


Bournville - Busto de George Cadbury


Birmingham - Library of Birmingham - Shakespeare Memorial Room - busto de George Dawson


Birmingham - Library of Birmingham - Shakespeare Memorial Room - busto de William Shakespeare


Birmingham - Library of Birmingham - Shakespeare Memorial Room - busto


Birmingham - Library of Birmingham - Shakespeare Memorial Room - busto


Birmingham - Library of Birmingham - Shakespeare Memorial Room - busto